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Marketing EFR | 【BlueKAREM】ダイビングのプロフェッショナル向け情報サイト

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Marketing EFR

A big advantage you have as an Emergency First Response® Instructor is you provide a service that a wide range of people want or need. Many professions require CPR and first-aid training, but beyond that many people want these skills so they can be ready if needed. Almost everyone is a potential EFR® student, so to turn “potential” into “actual” requires that 1) people know you teach CPR and first aid, 2) they understand why learning from you is the way to go, 3) they see that others approve of your teaching and 4) the time to get started is now.

Be Seen

Surprisingly often, EFR Instructors have trouble growing their business simply because people don’t know they teach it. Instructors can hugely increase their course sign ups simply by getting the word out more effectively.

Unless it’s your main business, Emergency First Response training tends to be just one of the other services you offer, so be certain it’s visible along with whatever other services you provide. Make EFR conspicuous on your business homepage and social media channels, with direct links to a dedicated EFR page. Similarly, make it prominent on your enewsletter and/or printed newsletter cover page (with links), and any advertising you do. Put up EFR signage at your brick-and-mortar office, and at any trade shows or events you participate in. Use both “Emergency First Response” and “ CPR and First Aid Training “ in the same message so laypeople know what EFR is all about.

Be Unique

People have choices so they need to know why they should choose you. While pricing can be the knee-jerk approach to trying to capture new business, it’s usually not as effective as truly differentiating yourself and EFR from others, plus discounting tends to reduce perceived value and professionalism.

If you’re part of a specific industry, that’s the first way of setting yourself apart. If you’re in the widget industry, promote that you’re a widget pro who teaches CPR and first aid to widget employees, or something similar. If you’re not actually part of an industry but train people who work in it extensively, promote the connection, e.g. “Specializing in teaching CPR and first aid in the widget industry for 10 years” or similar. This tells potential students you know how to bridge CPR and first aid with their specialized circumstances (and be sure you do it!).

You are unique, so there are likely many ways to differentiate yourself. Do you speak a language that a local cultural community speaks? Do you specialize in working with youth, seniors, those with mental or physical challenges? Are you the easiest to access in your area? Can you offer classes at 3 a.m. for the factory night shift? Will you go to them instead of having them come to you? Do you have facilities for classes to accommodate entities that do not have a useable teaching space? Think along these lines.

Be Popular

Today’s consumers expect and read reviews. If they’re not on your website, you risk potential customers exploring another site where there are reviews – so have them on yours, ask students for honest reviews. Don’t worry: If you’re doing your job well, they’ll mostly be good – and if they’re not, you’ll be glad you found out so you can make changes.

For credibility, put up all reviews, including the negative. While there are a few unpleasable people, most people are sincere so take these at face value. Respond to these publicly, thanking them for their honesty and explaining what you plan to do to address the concern. Be specific and individual – do not use stock repeated replies because they come across as insincere, undermining the credibility of your responses. Be sure to follow through on your promises.

Similarly, and again individually, thank people for their good reviews and, as appropriate, comment on how their words will improve your courses. All this takes a time investment, but sincere individualized responses not only encourage people to post reviews, but also encourage prospective students to trust what they’re reading.

Be Timely

While professional requirements may drive enrolling in CPR and first-aid training in a timely manner, many people don’t have such a time pressure, making it “something I should do someday.” Call for immediate action in all your promotions, with reasons for doing so. While the availability call is cliché and expected, surprisingly it works because it’s often true: “Classes are almost full so click here now to get started.” Tie your distinguishing qualities to the call to action: “Widget employees – click here now to enroll with our Widget Pro EFR Instructor for this month’s widget CPR and first-aid class.” Keep these fresh and genuine.

Being seen, unique, popular and timely is a simple concept, but it requires planning and keeping everything updated and fresh. But, it’s also a concept that can help keep your EFR teaching calendar full.

The post Marketing EFR appeared first on PADI Pros.

Emergency First Response, EFR, efr businessPADI Pros


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