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Marine Conservation and Scuba Diving


The world’s oceans face a myriad of threats: Worldwide, coral reefs are being irreparably damaged. Species of marine life are disappearing at an unprecedented rate. Conservation of the marine ecosystem is at a delicate point, and there is no group better placed for the advocacy of marine protection than scuba divers.


Why is it our responsibility?

Regardless of our role in the dive industry, whether that be as the operator, the dive professional or the guest – we are lucky to experience the joy and beauty of the underwater world. With this joy comes a responsibility to protect and conserve. However, it is not just our moral responsibility to promote marine conservation – it is a responsibility to the future of our industry and what we love.

What can we do? Start with the basics

Marine conservation starts with YOU:

  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Have a dedicated recycling station at home/the office/the dive shop.
  • Bring refillable water bottles with you. Don’t use straws!
  • Consume only sustainably sourced seafood – do your research!
  • Protect the reef – embrace responsible diving practices – buoyancy!

What can we do? Learn more & spread the word!

Many people are unaware of the threats facing our oceans. By raising awareness and drawing attention to some of the issues, as well as suggesting solutions, you can inspire others to take action. 

But you may still be thinking, I don’t know enough about the ocean to get started in marine conservation yet.

Eco-Conscious Diver has put together a step-by-step guide to learning and implementing your own marine conservation journey! A Complete Introduction To Marine Conservation™ is a completely self-paced, online course, which includes two PADI Project AWARE certifications.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Speak Intelligently about our underwater world.
  • Have knowledge to begin taking action immediately.
  • Be equipped with tools to gain data survey experience.

Enrol Today!

The post Marine Conservation and Scuba Diving appeared first on The Scuba News.

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