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Straight Talk from PADI CEO: AWARE Star Throwers

At the pre-dawn twilight, a man was picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. When asked why by a skeptical observer, he said, “One can help them.”

“But there are miles of beach and thousands of starfish. You can’t possibly make a difference,” said the observer. Tossing yet another starfish back into the sea, the man replied, “It will make a difference to this one.”

A version of the “Star Thrower” essay (originally by anthropologist Loren Eiseley in 1969 and since adapted, modified and repeated by dozens of writers and speakers), this story reminds us that no constructive difference is insignificant, and making a difference is an individual choice. Collectively, such individual actions taken by 1 billion Ocean Torchbearers can scale into positive ocean change.

We saw evidence of this during AWARE Week this year. Hundreds of PADI Dive Centers, PADI Professionals and Ocean Torchbearers sponsored and participated in meaningful PADI AWARE events globally, collectively making a difference. We are still tabulating the results, but so far:

22,000+ pieces of debris (approximately 3900 kilograms/8600 pounds) added to the AWARE marine database, now at 2 million+
169 entangled marine animals, freed by divers to live another day
136 debris-free sites reported
32 new Adopt the Blue sites adopted (now more than 1,600)
record-setting audience reach and engagement

We are gaining momentum on our Ocean Torchbearer journey to explore and protect the ocean with increased individual participation over last year.

Reflecting the spirit and actions taken in Loren Eiseley’s fictional “Star Thrower” essay, divers reported and actually released 169 entangled animals during AWARE Week. That’s a big deal – saving both the animal and its potential offspring. Here are a few links to videos showing the impact of freeing marine animals from entanglement:

Manta ray
Sea lion 1
Sea lion 2

As Ocean Torchbearers who live to explore and protect the ocean, we need to remember that what we do matters. We teach, guide and inspire divers and others to share their love for the sea, while encouraging constructive individual action to make a collective difference. Ocean Torchbearers are a growing force that can scale the power of one person exponentially across the planet. As a community, we are setting in motion a monumental and positive force for restoring and protecting the ocean locally and internationally.

Please take heart reflecting on the simple, yet profound lessons illustrated in the fictional “Star Thrower” story, and the real results of actions taken during AWARE Week – that no constructive difference is insignificant, and making a difference is an individual choice. Collectively, such individual actions taken by 1 billion Ocean Torchbearers will continue to scale into positive ocean change.

Thanks for your leadership and believing in the power of the choice you have to be a Star Thrower each day in your community.


Drew Richardson
President & CEO

The post Straight Talk from PADI CEO: AWARE Star Throwers appeared first on PADI Pros.

President’s Desk, conservation, Drew Richardson, ocean conservation, PADI TorchbearerPADI Pros


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